Trav. di Via sergio Pansini 1, 70124 Bari
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Ph: +39.080.918.6559
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Soluzioni Automatiche – SEO Enhancement

H24 vending machines, online positioning and search queries

Technalia Soluzioni Automatiche Requested our involvement to solve the ranking and performance problems that their site was complaining about.

WebP Image Optimization

Often, little attention is paid to the optimization of graphical assets when creating a site. Their excessive weight can detract from the overall performance of a website, relegating them to the last positions in organic search. Our team has therefore dedicated itself to configuring a system for converting images into the WebP format, which allows considerable reductions in image ‘weight’ compared to the traditional jpg or worse PNG.

Geolocated Results

The client’s interest was the site’s ability to appear in local searches, the business based in the province of Bari and capable of commercially reaching the whole of Apulia. To achieve this result we revised the site’s communication to include textual elements that could, once scanned by search engines, provide results contextualised in the required field of relevance.

Overall site speed

Although the site was hosted on a medium-fast server, it suffered heavy performance losses due to the poor optimization of the chosen theme. We therefore installed a Cache plugin which, suitably configured, allowed us to achieve a performance index in Lighthouse close to 97%. This was achieved by moving the loading of the Java scripts to the footer, allowing only some of them to bypass this rule to ensure the proper functioning of the graphic template. We also shifted the workload by creating static pages that are loaded by the system in a few milliseconds, relieving the server of all database queries and loading concatenations of WordPress plugin assets.

Usability Improvement

As a result of the lighthouse analysis, we identified and corrected all usability problems that the system was showing.

SEO Policy

Once all the ‘structural’ problems of the site had been corrected, we revised the content aspect to make it consistent with the title and description for search engines. In addition, we measured ourselves against the client’s major competitors to identify a different communication, capable of gaining important positions with the inclusion of certain keywords, which was the subject of a discussion between our team and the company’s sales department.


Positioning the site on search engines by placing it among the first non-sponsored results in searches carried out in Apulia

  • Strategy

    Analysis and correction of theme bugs and adoption of missing best practices and verification of Lighthouse score. It was necessary to speed up the site by configuring an advanced caching plugin.

  • Client

    Technalia S.r.l.

  • Technologies

    Wordpress, Woocommerce, Google Analytics tools

Open Project

Hai una esigenza

Il nostro team sarà disponibile ad ascoltare le esigenze della tua Azienda per elaborare la strategia e offrire la migliore soluzione possibile, su misura per le Te.