Trav. di Via sergio Pansini 1, 70124 Bari
[email protected]
Ph: +39.080.918.6559
[email protected]

Eminclima – CRM System

CRM system for managing the typical activities of a domestic and professional air conditioning and heating service centre.

Eminclima is a company is a company realising maintenance and installation of wall-mounted gas boilers and air-conditioning systems needed to evolve its customer management in order to abandon the excel sheet for good.

Fully integrated data management

Thanks to the experience gained in the Check Fruit project, we have developed dedicated software suited to their needs, enabling them to adopt a new working method based, at last, on data retrieval for appointment scheduling and the management of renewals aggregated by user and technician.

Implemented functions

  • customer and contact address book
  • call initiation through interface
  • rapid creation of intervention sheets
  • management of appointments and list of users to call for annual maintenance
  • management of receipts and payments
  • storage of invoices issued and boiler documentation
  • tasks history
  • calendar of scheduled tasks

Stack used

  • Laravel (backend PHP)
  • Livewire (Dynamic UI)
  • Bootstrap (CSS)
  • JQuery (JS)
  • PhpUnit (Test)
  • PhpStan (Static Analysis)
  • PHP CS Fixer (Code Style fixer)

CI/CD system

In order to simplify and accelerate the development cycle of the platform, a pipeline of Continuous Integration (frequent and automatic integration of changes to the source code) and Continuous Deployment (rapid and downtime-free delivery of the updated code to the production system) has been set up.
Each phase is subject to a preliminary check of the formal and functional correctness of the source code, in order to detect any bugs and/or weak points in the code as soon as possible.

Docker Containerization

The code is organised on a container architecture, where each functional area of the architecture is maintained within its own container. This allows both the processes isolation and their execution to be abstracted from the server infrastructure on which they run, making it easy to replicate the system for development, testing and debugging purposes. The entire cycle of container creation, code updating and management is managed through a proprietary system that simplifies and automates container operations.


Create a CRM Software to manage the technical and administrative departments with a single software.

  • Strategy

    Needs analysis and working method for the development of strictly necessary tools.

  • Design

    A management system with simple colours for easy data entry and reading.

  • Client

    Eminclima di Mincuzzi Davide

  • Technology

    Laravel, Tailwind CSS, PestPHP, Bootstrap, Docker, Livewire, PHPStan, PHP CS Fixer

Hai una esigenza

Il nostro team sarà disponibile ad ascoltare le esigenze della tua Azienda per elaborare la strategia e offrire la migliore soluzione possibile, su misura per le Te.