Trav. di Via sergio Pansini 1, 70124 Bari
[email protected]
Ph: +39.080.918.6559
[email protected]

Grifo Multimedia – Minigame Web App

Develop a web app to be presented to Mayors during the XXXIX Anci Annual Assembly to Anci Digitale

Grifo Multimedia srl ci ha commissionato questa Web App sulla quale abbiamo applicato i template da loro elaborati e sviluppato la logica per eseguire la configurazione del gioco che viene recuperata interamente da remoto.

Main Features

  • Compatible with iOS and Android
  • Receipt of remote configuration
  • Implementation of gaming logic from the configuration file received
  • Dynamic app behaviour based on choices made previously
  • Printing of certificates


Used stack

  • VueJs 3 (Js)
  • Tailwind (CSS)

CI/CD system

In order to simplify and accelerate the development cycle of the platform, a pipeline of Continuous Integration (frequent and automatic integration of changes to the source code) and Continuous Deployment (rapid and downtime-free delivery of the updated code to the production system) has been set up.
Each phase is subject to a preliminary check of the formal and functional correctness of the source code, in order to detect any bugs and/or weak points in the code as soon as possible.


Creating a Web App with the possibility of retrieving game logic through a configuration sent remotely.

  • Strategy

    Web App with externally developed design and capacity for use in an exhibition environment with 500 concurrent connections

  • Design

    The design was entirely developed by Grifo Multimedia.

  • Client

    Grifo Multimedia s.r.l.

  • Technologies

    VueJs 3, Tailwind

Hai una esigenza

Il nostro team sarà disponibile ad ascoltare le esigenze della tua Azienda per elaborare la strategia e offrire la migliore soluzione possibile, su misura per le Te.