Check Gest – Audit Software
Simplifying procedures and empowering the company with an integrated, automated system to lower the number of work units needed to carry out administrative and control procedures.
Check Fruit commissioned the development of an integrated Business Management System to facilitate the different control activities by bringing them under the same document geo-reviewer and without duplicating data between different software.
Laravel-based business management system
- customer registry and contact address book
- management of Agrifood certification services (ISO 9001, IGP/DOP, Product Certifications)
- customer reserved area for data entry and filling in certification/renewal applications
- management of inspection and surveillance audits, sending and receiving documentation and results, issuing of certificates
- dynamic calendar for scheduling audits
- management of training courses and issue of certificates
- monitoring of input data and identification of errors/inconsistencies
- notification system for operators and customers in case of upcoming/exceeded deadlines
- production of PDFs for all documentation required by the various certification processes
- complete history of user operations and all activities (more than 200k entries stored per year), possibility to reconstruct from scratch the entire evolution of companies and their certifications
- ACL system with role and permission management to regulate access to functionalities in a precise and granular manner
- balance calculation of total amounts to be invoiced for each customer
Used stack
- Laravel (backend PHP)
- Livewire (Dynamic UI)
- Tailwind + Bootstrap (CSS)
- Alpine + JQuery (JS)
- PestPHP (Test)
- PhpStan (Static Analysis)
- PHP CS Fixer (Code Style fixer)
Consultancy for Corporate Server Installation
In this particular case, we worked with the company’s appointed systems engineer to properly configure the company’s dedicated server, hosted on Aruba SPA, to allow the machine to run applications in a containerised environment.
CI/CD system
In order to simplify and accelerate the development cycle of the platform, a pipeline of Continuous Integration (frequent and automatic integration of changes to the source code) and Continuous Deployment (rapid and downtime-free delivery of the updated code to the production system) has been set up.
Each phase is subject to a preliminary check of the formal and functional correctness of the source code, in order to detect any bugs and/or weak points in the code as soon as possible.
Docker Containerization
The code is organised on a container architecture, where each functional area of the architecture is maintained within its own container. This allows both the processes isolation and their execution to be abstracted from the server infrastructure on which they run, making it easy to replicate the system for development, testing and debugging purposes. The entire cycle of container creation, code updating and management is managed through a proprietary system that simplifies and automates container operations.
Create a business management software capable of merging the various business branches while maintaining the peculiarities of each one.