Trav. di Via sergio Pansini 1, 70124 Bari
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Ph: +39.080.918.6559
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Docker Containers

Eminclima – CRM System

CRM system for managing the typical activities of a domestic and professional air conditioning and heating service centre. Eminclima is a company is a…

Eminclima – CRM System

CRM system for managing the typical activities of a domestic and professional air conditioning and heating service centre. Eminclima is a company is a…

  • Strategy

    Needs analysis and working method for the development of strictly necessary tools.

  • Design

    A management system with simple colours for easy data entry and reading.

  • Client

    Eminclima di Mincuzzi Davide

  • Technology

    Laravel, Tailwind CSS, PestPHP, Bootstrap, Docker, Livewire, PHPStan, PHP CS Fixer

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